
World System Builder 👉 LIVE ONLINE WORKSHOPS

Today : Fri, January 24

Time #1 : 11AM PT / 1PM CT / 2PM ET
Time #2 : 5PM PT / 7PM CT / 8PM ET
Time #3 : 7PM PT / 9PM CT / 10PM ET

You can select the appropriate time you’d like to attend. After registering for any of the webinars, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Calendar Workshops
Fri, January 24
Workshops Card 5
Mon, January 27
Workshops Card 6
Tue, January 28
Workshops Card 7
Wed, January 29
Workshops Card 1
Thu, January 30
Workshops Card 2
Fri, January 31
Workshops Card 3

Workshop Registration

Please select the box for workshop selection (by clicking directly on the image).

By clicking send, automatically subscribes you to the website, and your information to the website organizer, who will use it to communicate with you regarding this event and their other services. But don’t worry, you may unsubscribe at any time.

Book: A Coloring Adventure in Finance

Book available on amazon

Book an Appointment